A woman desperately clung to a speeding car as her beloved French bulldog was snatched by thieves in downtown Los Angeles. The shocking incident took place on January 18, around 2:30 p.m., when Ali Zacharias was enjoying lunch with her dog, Onyx, at a local Whole Foods on Grand Avenue and 8th Street.
As Onyx sat underneath Zacharias’ chair, an unknown woman approached their table, calling out to the dog. The woman then grabbed Onyx’s leash and began to walk away to an waiting getaway car.
In a desperate bid to halt the thieves from escaping, Zacharias positioned herself in front of the vehicle, screaming for assistance. The suspects continued driving for several blocks before abruptly swerving, causing Zacharias to be forcefully thrown to the ground.
Describing the culprits, Zacharias said, “The woman who stole my dog was African American, along with the three other occupants of the car. They were all wearing sweats and t-shirts and appeared to be overweight. None of them had any visible tattoos.”
Authorities are actively reviewing surveillance footage from nearby cameras as part of their ongoing efforts to identify and apprehend the perpetrators. Meanwhile, the kidnapped dog, a black Merle French bulldog with a distinctive spotted coat and heterochromatic eyes, remains the subject of an intense search.