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Gov. Newsom Tries to Recruit Medical Workers with a new Health Corps



AP Photo / Rich Pedroncelli, Pool

Today, on March 30th, Governor Gavin Newsom held a press conference to inform everyone on coronavirus updates and to ask for any medical professionals to work if they are able.

In expressing how many people are needed in hospitals, Newsom said “If you are a nursing school student, a medical school student, we need you. If you’ve just retired in the last few years, we need you. If you are looking to expand your scope of practice and have particular expertise in any particular capacity, we need you.”

He explained that if you have an active license, are working toward a license or have any experience with disaster relief or medical teams to please consider joining the new California Health Corps during this pandemic. Governor Newsom stated, “California’s health care workers are the heroes of this moment, serving on the front lines in the fight against this disease. To treat the rising number of patients with COVID-19, our state needs more workers in the health care field to join the fight. If you have a background in health care, we need your help. Sign up at healthcorps.ca.gov,”.

After Newsom spoke, California Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly expressed that we are not close the end of this virus and need to help our medical workers in any way we can to help slow coronavirus. Dr. Galy said,  “California must continue to prepare our health care delivery system and make sure it has every resource to respond to a potential surge in COVID-19 patients. California’s most valuable resource is its people and I join the Governor in calling on all medical professionals to join the fight against COVID-19.”

If you are not in the medical profession, but still want to help your community, find out what you can do here.

Governor Newsom is working to prepare California to stop to spread of COVID-19 as you can see in his tweet below. You can help his effects at home by continuing to wash your hands and stay six feet apart from anyone you do not live with.