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Bob Tanem in the Garden: September 1, 2019



Our guest this morning was the inimitable, upbeat Jere Gettle: the man behind not only the Petaluma Seed Bank and Baker Creek Seeds, but also the National Heirloom Expo, which is about to be held in Santa Rosa, Tuesday Sept. 10 through Thursday Sept. 12, at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds Event Center, 1350 Bennett Valley Rd, Santa Rosa. With seed exchanges, lectures, vendor tables, food, music and fiddle contests and more, it’s where you want to be this fall.

Edie Tanem is on hand and on time with her timely list of Gardening Event “PSA’s”. This is all stuff that gardeners might be interested in, up and down the bay area. Then it’s right back to the gardeners themselves, calling America’s Happy Gardener Bob Tanem live on KSFO!